Try out top therapists.

Find one who understands you, fast.

Over the phone

100% confidential

On your schedule

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Talk to top therapists over the phone with Ivy's help.

See who you like before going in-person.

1. State your preferences

Therapy is about opening up. Who might make you most comfortable? Let Ivy know.

2. Set an appointment

Kick back. Ivy arranges calls for you to try top therapists based on your availability.

3. Try a few by phone, free

During your appointment, you can try out a few therapists in separate, 15-min calls.

What clients are saying

"I thought finding the right therapist that fit my personality would be a big effort.
I found a couple I liked after just a few Ivy calls."

Trey, San Francisco

"In just a few minutes of talking, I knew who was right for me and who wasn't.
I would have put this off if not for Ivy."

Courtney, San Francisco

What therapists are saying

"The client gets to experience the feel of different therapists. Ivy is a wonderful
aid for people trying to make a really important choice for themselves."

Sebastian Earl, MFT

"Clients really like Ivy. And I like the setup. The new client alerts and call reminders are simple and helpful. I don't have to do all the call backs myself."

Diana Zoller Perkins, MFT

Tap into a community of top therapists


Your therapist needs a license to practice. Ivy needs it to be 100% clean.


Ivy makes sure that you only speak to therapists who pass our interview first.

Truly Caring

Take your time. Ivy knows that good chemistry is essential for helpful, healing work.